New to the meeting

Each year, the ASA annual meeting continues to be one of the largest and most influential meetings for anesthesiologists globally. This is because the program continues to expand its educational offerings, technological advances and global outreach. The ANESTHESIOLOGY™ 2013 annual meeting is no exception. New features have once again been added to enhance your meeting experience by making your time more valuable and memorable while you’re away from your practice. Here are some of the new highlights added this year:

  • The new itinerary builder tool is a handy online resource to help you plan your sessions ahead of time, making registration quicker and more convenient.
  • Old favorites with new speakers and topics, including John B. Neeld, Jr., M.D., presenting the Emery A. Rovenstine Memorial Lecture, Todd C. Sacktor, M.D., presenting the John W. Severinghaus Lecture on Translational Science and George S. Bause, M.D., M.P.H., presenting the Lewis H. Wright Memorial Lecture.
  • The popular Refresher Course Lectures are expanded to one hour. This allows ample time for Q&A during each session!
  • PrintThe number of MOCA® Patient Safety sessions has been increased. There are nearly 20 sessions that qualify for MOCA-PS credit. Look for the MOC-PS icon in the session grids online.
  • Now the Poster Discussions, Poster Sessions and Medically Challenging cases are in more accessible locations. Plus, all are now presented in electronic format.