Are you dedicated to your profession and patients?
Are you proud of your years of educational development?
Do you see yourself as a leader in medicine?
If so, then you deserve to be formally recognized as a Fellow of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (FASA™) — the highest designation the Society confers upon an ASA member.
ASA Active members who meet specific qualifications and criteria are invited to apply for the FASA designation.
Since its inception this spring, more than 200 members have become ASA Fellows. Many more applications are in the review process.

John Dombrowski, M.D., FASA, Chair of the Committee on Membership
John Dombrowski, M.D., FASA, ASA Secretary and Chair of the Committee on Membership, has been an enthusiastic supporter of the FASA designation even from before it was formally established.
“Just to be a physician is an honor, but to be recognized by one’s peers and one’s society with a fellowship recognizes you as among the best and brightest,” said Dr. Dombrowski. “I think our adoption of a Fellowship is an important milestone for the society and its members — it recognizes that you have worked incredibly hard, that you’ve become a role model, and adding these four letters to your name proves that.”
You can learn more about becoming a FASA on the ASA website. Questions about this program can be sent to Finally, we encourage you to stop by the ASA Membership booth in the Resource Center, North Lobby, Level 1 of the BCEC for further information.
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