SimSTAT to offer simulation tools for education

1021-simstatYou’re invited to come see the future of anesthetic emergency management training from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday at Hyatt McCormick Place, Clark A.

ASA and CAE Healthcare are offering a free trial of a new, state-of-the-art, interactive screen-based simulation product designed to help learners improve their management skills during anesthetic emergencies.

Called Anesthesia SimSTAT, the hallmark of the product is its flexible, asynchronous and self-paced training that allows participants to progress through various 3-D clinical situations from the comfort of their own homes.

Scenarios include realistic diagnostic and monitoring equipment, medical instruments and virtual patients who respond to the decisions users make. SimSTAT monitors and records the user’s performance over the course of the scenarios and offers feedback at critical junctures or after completion of a session.

SimStatLOGOSimSTAT is the result of a year-long collaboration between ASA and CAE Healthcare, global leaders in the development of simulation tools used by thousands worldwide.

ASA Vice President for Scientific Affairs Beverly Philip, M.D., was one of the clinical experts who helped guide the production of SimSTAT.

“This exciting, innovative screen-based simulation program will allow users to explore high-stakes practice scenarios in a realistic, immersive environment, at their choice of location and time,” said Dr. Philip. “This will be a fabulous addition to the ASA education products already available, allowing learners to take what they learned and apply it in the screen-based scenario.”

The final SimSTAT product is set to launch in January 2017, but you can get a sneak peek for what’s to come Sunday.

Learn more about the collaboration between ASA and CAE Healthcare and the future of medical simulation from CAE Healthcare President Robert Amyot, M.D.

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