- Lifebox Masterclass Series
- Saturday-Tuesday
- Lifebox Booth, BCEC, Level 1, North Lobby
For the fourth year in a row, Lifebox will present its increasingly popular Masterclass series on global anesthesia at its booth in the ASA Resource Center, in the North Lobby of Level 1 in the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.

The Lifebox Masterclass series will be presented at the ASA Resource Center, in the North Lobby of Level 1.
Though designed to be brief and informal, the Masterclasses are always impactful as they feature experienced individuals who have undertaken challenging projects that advance surgical safety around the world.
Twenty-one talks are scheduled during ANESTHESIOLOGY 2017, covering topics as wide-ranging as pediatric anesthesia challenges in the Pacific to anesthesia delivery in Zimbabwe.
The Lifebox website offers a complete list of speakers, their lecture titles and the date and time of each presentation. Details can also be found on the conference app.
Masters of their class: University of Miami wins Resident Challenge
On Sunday morning, from 1:30-3 p.m., Chad Parvus-Telchman, M.D., will represent the University of Miami in the Masterclass “There’s an App for That: Leveraging Technology to Supercharge Fundraising, Collaboration, and Project Management.”
The University of Miami won the 2017 Lifebox Resident Challenge in both the “Contributions per Resident” and “Total Contributions” categories. A total of 85 residents at Miami raised $7,554, or $88.87 per resident.

Ready to hear about successful fundraising? ‘U’ got it.
Since its inception in 2013, the Annual Resident Lifebox Challenge has helped to raise more than $60,000 and has helped make anesthesia safer for hundreds of facilities in need across the globe.
The Resident Challenge is one part of an overall Lifebox/ASA Charitable Foundation mission to make surgery and anesthesia safer by equipping all operating rooms worldwide with pulse oximeters and training in oximetry.
Congratulations to the University of Miami residents for their achievement in 2017. And special thanks to every resident program that took the Lifebox Resident Challenge this year.
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