This year, the Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research (FAER) is partnering with Early-Stage Anesthesia Scholars (eSAS) for the first “A Day for New Researchers” event.

FAER President and CEO James Eisenach, M.D.
A Day for New Researchers will expand upon the FAER Medical Student and Resident Scholar Research Symposium, which features paper poster presentations by participants in FAER’s Medical Student Anesthesia Research Fellowship (MSARF) and Resident Scholars Program (RSP). This year, these poster presentations will follow eSAS-organized educational sessions on subjects ranging from the opioid epidemic to the struggle to conduct research while juggling clinical training and residency.
“We hope to build a support system for those still early in their research careers and provide resources as they navigate their way to independent funding, which can take many years,” said FAER President and CEO James Eisenach, M.D. “We are looking to bolster opportunities for early-career physician scientists to build a pipeline of new researchers in anesthesiology.”
Dr. Eisenach also noted FAER’s flagship grant, the Mentored Research Training Grant, which is funded at $250,000 over two years. It exists to help early-career physician scientists develop the skills and preliminary data for subsequent grant applications and research publications they’ll need to later become independent investigators using federal funding.
The grant is for anesthesiologists within 10 years of residency; a Day for New Researchers is for those who are just starting out to meet with more seasoned researchers and learn from them. It’s an effort to help anesthesiologists throughout their career journeys.
Anyone interested in attending a Day for New Researchers – whether for the sessions, the poster presentations or the entire event – should make their way to W415CD Valencia on Sunday.
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