COME ON DOWN for the ACE and SEE Live! presentation. It’s going to be as much fun as a game show and far more enlightening. Each audience member will become a contestant in this fast-paced test of anesthesiology knowledge. Ultimately, everyone will be a winner, earning two CME credit hours.

Stacy Jones, M.D.
Moderator Stacy Jones, M.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. She’s also Co-Editor-in-Chief for ACE.
“During this fun event, we will present sample questions from recent editions of ACE and SEE. Audience members will vote for the best answer using a wireless device. Then, we will reveal the correct answer and provide a mini-review of the supporting evidence. We also plan to open the floor for lively discussions,” Dr. Jones said.
ACE and SEE Live!
1:30-2:30 p.m.
2:45-3:45 p.m.
The interactive, two-part session will focus on patient safety. But safety is just one of many topics covered in the complete editions of ACE and SEE produced by ASA. Program content runs the gamut from procedural guidelines, to medical ethics, to real-life clinical scenarios.
Both ACE and SEE are continuing education programs designed for anesthesiologists who need to accumulate AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ and for those who participate in MOCA®. The editors are anesthesiologists from a wide variety of subspecialty backgrounds. Twice per year, ACE and SEE release a new set of 100 multiple-choice questions and answers. The Q&A format makes it easy for busy anesthesiologists to stay up-to-date.
“Subscribers can choose a printed workbook or connect online via computer, tablet or mobile phone. When you’re done, the CME credits are automatically submitted to the ABA, That saves physicians even more time and hassle,” said Dr. Jones.

Naileshni S. Singh, M.D.
Naileshni S. Singh, M.D., is an Associate Clinical Professor and Director of Neuroanesthesia at UC Davis Medical Center. She also serves as an editor for SEE.
“We interpret emerging anesthesiology research that is clinically relevant and timely. We even monitor societal issues that have anesthetic implications, like the opioid crisis,” said Dr. Singh.
The editors at ACE and SEE pay close attention to subscriber feedback. Recently, they increased the number of colorful graphs and charts to make the material easier to share with support staff.
“ACE and SEE have been labors of love for me for 20 years. I think we provide some of the best continuing medical education available today,” Dr. Jones said.
As Dr. Singh notes, the upcoming live session will be a great opportunity to try ACE and SEE before buying them. Since you can earn up to 60 credits with one annual subscription, you might say – the price is right.
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