San Francisco is historically one of the most popular cities for ANESTHESIOLOGY annual meeting attendees. As ASA members started to arrive at the Moscone Center on Friday, the ASA Daily News staff asked the question:
What are you most looking forward to during ANESTHESIOLOGY 2018?

“I’m looking forward to attending the echo workshop. It’s a training opportunity for me to learn more focus-based echo and upcoming trends in anesthesia.”
Silky Wong, M.B.B.S.
Hong Kong, China

“I’m interested in hearing experts and their recent discoveries over the last year to see what direction the specialty is heading next and to use that information to prepare for my practice. I’m interested in all things related to pediatric anesthesia and in acute pain management with an emphasis on opioids in particular.”
Harshad Gurnaney, M.B.B.S., M.P.H.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

“I’m here to learn more about perioperative medicine and how to organize perioperative assessments, as well as all the up-to-date medical information available at the conference.”
Robin Limb, FANZCA, FRCA, M.B.B.S.
Wayville, South Australia

“There are so many educational opportunities to listen to at the conference, so I’m excited to hear what my colleagues have to say. In particular, I’m interested in clinical and scientific research, as well as international networking opportunities. That is what’s so unique about this meeting. It’s the largest international meeting on anesthesiology in the world.”
Reuben Azocar, M.D., MHCM, FCCM, FASA
Boston, Massachusetts
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